من نحن ...
شركة ريحان للبث الاذاعي المساهمة المحدودة / راديو ريحان السياحي هي أول اذاعة فلسطينية وعربية على مستوى الشرق الأوسط متخصصة في رسالتها الاعلامية بتوثيق التراث الفلسطيني وبلاد الشام و ترويج و دعم السياحة الدينية والترفيهية على مستوى كامل الاراضي المقدسة في فلسطين والشرق .
راديو ريحان اف ام انطلق من أقدم مدينة في العالم ومن عاصمة السياحة الفلسطينية مدينة أريحا عبر موجة 95.6 اف ام لتغطي عبر الأثير منطقة الوسط الفلسطيني و منطقة الشرق في الاردن الشقيق وعبر البث الإلكتروني الى الكون .
الان أصبح للتراث والسياحة صوت عبر أثير ريحان اف ام و بشراكة وزارة السياحة و الاثار الفلسطينية .
تأسست شركة ريحان اف ام في منتصف عام 2015 في البث التجريبي وانطلقت على الهواء مع بداية سنة 2016 في أحدث الأجهزة والمعدات التقنية و أقوى البرامج التنموية المجتمعية المنوعة و الترفيهية بنكهة عربية و هوية فلسطينية .
فلسطين بجغرافيتها التي امتزجت بتاريخ عريق تمتلك إرثاً حضارياً وثقافياً وفولكلورياً ضخماً يشكل الهوية القومية والثقافية الشرقية . ولأن الصراع اليوم أصبح صراعاً على الهوية والوجود، فإن الاهتمام بالواقع التراثي الفلسطيني وبحكايات التراث الفلسطيني بات جزءا لا يتجزأ من أبرز أدوات الصمود والبقاء.
تراثنا الفلسطيني مهما تغيرت ملامحه يبقى ناطقاً باللغة العربية و ليكون صوت السياحة ريحان اف ام صوت المحبة و السلام من اقدم مدن العالم أريحا.
وهذه هي الصورة التي تسعى إذاعة ريحان اف ام إلى تكريسها في وجدان الرأي العام الفلسطيني والعربي و العالمي لتكون حاضرة بشكل دائم .
مع تغطية عبر موجات اف ام للاراضي الفلسطينية و القدس و الدخل المحتل و 70 في المئة من المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية .
أهداف الاذاعة ...
1- العمل على المحافظة على الموروث الديني والأثري والبيئي للمواقع السياحية في المنطقة
2- العمل على تأمين بيئة مناسبة لتشجيع الاستثمار السياحي في المنطقة و العمل على تعزيز ثقافة سياحية المستدامة
3- العمل على تغطية الزيارات الدينية المسيحية و الاسلامية وتغطية و تطوير الفعاليات السياحية في المنطقة .
الجمهور المستهدف ... 5 مليون مستمع و أكثر ...
تقدم اذاعة الريحان خدمة اعادة البث للاذاعات الدولية و الاذاعات المسيحية بااللغة العربية و الانجليزية
من يستمع لنا ؟؟
المجتمع الفلسطيني و الأجنبي و الاسرئيلي / زوار العاصمة الدينية القدس و العاصمة السياحية أريحا
محليين و اجانب / زوار نهاية الأسبوع / المرافق السياحية / المسافرين عبر معبر الكرامة .
أريحا شارع القدس عمارة جوهرة اريحا الطابق 3 جوال 0599221282 تلفون 022313090
Rehan Broadcasting Company LTD/ Rehan Radio FM for Tourism is the only Palestinian radio in the region with a specialized media mission in documenting the Palestinian heritage, promoting and supporting the religious tourism through the Holy Land of Palestine and the entire area of the Middle East.
Rehan Radio FM is Broadcasting from Jericho City, the oldest city of the world and the capital of tourism in Palestine on a wave length of 95.6 FM that covers the central and eastern regions of Palestine and the entire world through IT broadcasting.
Heritage and Tourism Voice has become audible Through Rehan FM in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Palestinian.
Rehan FM company was established in mid-2015 by carrying out an experimental broadcasting. Adopting the latest devices and high-tech equipment, the first broadcast started out early 2016 to broadcast selected community development and recreational programs that have the Arabic character and Palestinian identity.
The Palestinian land witnessed a long rich civilized history, full of cultural and folkloric heritage that formed the Palestinian national and cultural identity. Protecting and promoting the Palestinian heritage has become an integral part of peace making, a prominent steadfastness , survival tools, and preventing the attempt of falsifying the Palestinian history and cultural heritage. The features of the Palestinian heritage witness that the first Canaanite Palestinian Human, is the owner of this land and that his existence is permanent authentic and rooted to the land.
This is the massage that Rehan Radio FM is seeking to deliver to the conscience of the Palestinian,Arab public and the whole world and to be permanently present to promote this message.
Broadcasting goals:
1. Work on preserving the religious, archaeological and environmental heritage of the tourist sites in the region
2. Work on encouraging tourism investment in the region and on promoting sustainable tourism culture environment
3. Work on religious visits and covering the development of tourism activities in the area .
4. Radio Rehan FM is the first radio station to broadcast Christian programs for East Christians in Palestine, Israel and Jordan
The Shortwave Audience
The Resurgence of Shortwave Radio
many sources agree that shortwave radio is experiencing a resurgence. According to VT Communications, which operates the BBC's worldwide transmitter sites, "latest research shows that shortwave radio listeners are growing globally, with shortwave penetration at its highest in the developing countries. That is not to say that shortwave is not having an impact in the developed countries. The increase in the shortwave audience, says VT Communications, is "spelt out dramatically by just one factory in China that is frantically producing 300,000 shortwave radio sets per month just to support demand. Grundig in America report growth each year on their sales of shortwave receivers. There are at least 600 million shortwave radio sets worldwide."
Surveys cited by VT Communications show that in Israel, 70% of households with radio have access to shortwave. In Palestinian territories, the figure is 77%, "What is most interesting," according to VTC, "is the growth over the last 10 years in shortwave usage by business travellers, diplomats, aid workers and others who move about the world as a result of their jobs. This change has occurred because of the portability of new sets and the simplicity of their use. Modern synthesized sets, which have the facility of actually entering the precise frequency number, made shortwave easy for everyone. People learned to pre-tune their sets, forgetting about kHz, MHz and wavebands. The new sets went in pockets, handbags and briefcases. Now sets weigh as little as 220 grams and are easily available and affordable."
TeleDiffusion de France, which operates Radio France International's extensive shortwave transmitter network, says that "an estimated 2.5 billion people tune in to programs broadcast on shortwave, and about a billion receivers pick up shortwave transmissions. At any given moment, over 200 million receivers are tuned in to shortwave broadcasts. Shortwave remains the only means of reaching a broad audience anywhere in the world, via a simple portable radio that can be bought for around $25. Listeners include expatriates, business travellers, tourists or simply people who want to hear programs in a language other than their own or who want to open a new window on the world"
Transmitting Your Message to the World
The Holy Land in Israel and Palestine is truly the gateway to the Middle East and the World. It is only natural, then, that (Jericho) oldest cities of the world should be the home of an international radio station broadcasting to all of the Middle East and most of the world. This station is , REHAN FM ending programs to the world via shortwave.
We invite interested organizations, companies and individuals to take part in this effort by purchasing airtme to transmit their own programs -- political, religious, commercial, cultural, etc. And we invite overseas broadcasters to use REHAN FM as their relay to the Middle East. If your organization has a message for the world -- in any language -- REHAN FMI can get it there for you. No other broadcast medium can give you such a large coverage area for such a small cost. Airtime blocks on Radio Rehan International cost as little as $2.00 per minute for bulk airtime purchases. For more information, contact us.
Target audience
Jericho Area and Jordan Valley community / visitors to the city / weekend visitors / tourist facilities / travelers across Al Karameh crossing to Jordan.
Transmission points for transmission from north to south and from east to west with a population of over 5 million people